Lepadella triba, focus plane on the ventral plate of the lorica with two folds (yellow arrowheads) which reach up to the the margin of the ventral cutout of the head. The green arrowhead points to the rostrum. |
Lepadella triba, specimen from (2) |
Lepadella triba, ventral view. |
Lepadella triba, together with the ciliate Paramecium. Although Lepadella is smaller than Paramecium it consists of about 1000 cells, whereas all life processes in Paramecium are accomplished by a single cell. |
Lepadella triba, another specimen, ventral view. |
Lepadella triba, lateral view |
Lepadella triba, trophi. |
Lepadella triba, amictic egg. |
Lepadella triba, unfortunately this egg was compressed too much. The unci of the trophi (K) are visible. |
Collection of sample (2) by courtesy of Pit Staedtler, Gevelsberg. |
Location: Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmer (Teich) (1); Schlern, South Tirol (2) |
Habitat : Periphyton (1); dry moss (2) |
Date: 26.04.2009 (1); coll.: 08/2020; img: 22.01.2021 (2) |